Download ByteCave Software
Download or view source code for my FREE game and my image server, also FREE.
Eldarian Odyssey
Eldarian Odyssey is a classic late 1970’s text adventure game. Your goal is to explore the environment, find clues, solve puzzles, meet kings and elves, and achieve the final objective.
The game can generally only recognize two word commands such as “LIGHT TORCH.” Certain words will be ignored, however, so you have some leeway. As you play, you’ll get a feel for what type of input is expected. For instance, sometimes a single verb will work if it’s possible to figure out which object it uniquely applies to. You usually only have to type the first four letters of each word, but it’s okay to type the whole word.
The game is a small (~3MB) standalone, multi-threaded executable: no installation is required and it doesn’t depend on any other system files or DLLs. It supports Windows XP and later, and can also be compiled as-is to run on Linux! You are encouraged to view the source code, or download PureBasic and compile it yourself!
View Eldarian Odyssey’s PureBasic source code on Github.
Download 32 and 64-bit Windows versions from Github.
ByteCave Image Server
ByteCave Image Server (BIS) is an open-source mini webserver that sends a random image to your browser when a client sends any GET request. You provide a recursively processed folder containing the images to display. Those images are then shuffled and never repeated–on a per client connection basis–until all images have been displayed once. The process then repeats itself for subsequent image requests.
This image server works great with ActionTiles ( media tile functionality. I use it to serve images to several tablets I have mounted on the walls inside my house. It should also work with DakBoard and
You can specify different folders for each IP address connected through easy UI controls. Thumbnails show you which images are being served. The program can auto-launch on login, minimize to tray, and will remember your settings and numbers of images displayed each time you start.
Note that sometimes images will appear rotated sideways or even upside down. This is a function of the EXIF information that was stored with the photo, it’s not a problem with BIS. You can read more about the issue here at HowToGeek’s “Why Your Photos Don’t Always Appear Correctly Rotated“ article. I used the free JPEG Autorotate software to fix my images to display correctly.
BIS is another small (~600K) standalone, multi-threaded, DPI aware (on Windows) executable: no installation is required. It supports Windows XP and later, and can also be compiled as-is to run on Linux! As with my game, you can view the source code, or download PureBasic and compile it yourself!
View ByteCave Image Server’s PureBasic source code on Github.
Download 32 and 64-bit Windows versions from Github.
Older Version
For a simpler experience, ByteCave Image Server version 1 displays the same set of images to all clients. Each IP address that connects rotates through the full list of images in randomized order.
View ByteCave Image Server v1 source code on Github.